Yesterday we obtained E51CIK and E51WEG licenses and mounted most of antennas. Pileup is so big that nobody can go to buy food essential for dxpeditions (beer, eggs, bread, jam). Probably we can survive without food until tomorrow. Please do not call us at least for 1h.
Do you plan any 160m operation?
Sorry, no enaugh place to put up bigger antennas.
I hope you got your supplies in Leszeck! Great signals today (15th) on 20m FT8, 3 streams, no multipath problem our end. Thank you for the ATNO AB in DATA…
73 Phil G4OBK
Many thanks for 20m and 15m CW QSOs Leszek. I was in Rarotonga in 2018, please pass my best wishes to Jim E51JD and Bob E51BQ. Jim kindly let me operate his station one evening on 20 CW to Europe and it was a lot of fun!